WARNING...heres the thing: Caleb really does get cuter like every day so I'm anticipating that the amount of pictures will increase with each post...you are duly warned...
Yes, I know its only 4 months, but it feels like its been 4 days...on the other hand, I don't really remember life before Caleb. It seems like he's growing and learning and changing at warp speed -- I know that when I tell him this someday he will roll his eyes and not care but I do. Ok so here are his monthly "stats":
Height: 26 1/4 inches (yep, still way tall)
Weight: 12lbs 13oz (he's still long and lean)
This kiddo just can't stop moving! He became an expert at rolling all the way over at exactly noon on Sunday(after I had worked all night Saturday night, then went to church, and wanted to come home and put him down for a nap). we've been putting him on his tummy to sleep just for naps for the past month or so -- he doesn't like to play as much on his tummy, so he gets right down to the buisness of crying, then sleeping. But on Sunday, he found that he could roll around in circles in his crib -- much more fun than sleeping! He looked absolutely shocked at first, then decided to practice. He played for about 30 min, then slept for maybe 20. H'm.
Of course at night he goes down just perfectly on his back-- rolls to his side in a sweet crescent shape, thumb in mouth or arms over face, smiles at me, and closes his eyes. H'm.
My mom says he looks like he's going on an adventure in this picture -- I think that pretty much describes his sweet personality:) I Can't (and sort of can) wait til he can crawl. He is really trying. The problem is that he is disproportionatly strong -- his legs are rediculously strong, but he's not very interested in using his hands. So, he spends most of his "tummy time" playing superman -- balancing only on his tummy! He's too impatient to reach out for the toy that he wants to put in his mouth:
Caleb also discovered quite a few new sounds this month! His favorite sounds much like a baby pterodactyle and makes the dog a little nervous.
When he's sad and wimpering he says "mamama" over and over. Garrett says this does not mean that I won -- he doesn't know that he's saying "mama". We will see.
We busted out the bumbo this month too -- Caleb joins us in the kitchen alot in it and loves being a part of dinner prep:) He is noticing us eating more and more and I think he will be ready to start practicing with cereal soon!
His favorite accomplishment this month -- his feet! One day he was wearing pants with little bears on the feet and I literally watched him discover his toes! he was kicking his feet up by his face and suddenly noticed the bears. he got this very confused look on his face and then literally in slow motion reached out and grabbed them and (of course) put them in his mouth...yes both at once. And he has never looked back. Diaper changing is a whole different experience to say the least. And Daddy says bottle feeding is slightly more difficult. Now Caleb wants to hold the bottle with his hands...and his feet. The problem is that he also loves to lift his feet as high as he can, then launch them forward...bottle in tow. When the bottle goes flying out of his mouth and to the floor, he looks quite surprised, then gives Garrett the stink eye and gets right back to the business of eating.
He still loves the standing position most of all, especially in front of the mirror. No matter how hard he is screaming, just put the kid in front of the mirror and he makes the biggest smiles -- that other baby in the mirror must be way cute ;)
Ok seriously mom, can we be done with the pictures?!
Yes, ok, I'm done:)