7 Months!

So I know I say this every time but this month went by SO FAST!

Here are the stats:
Weight: 16lbs 5oz -- what a good boy!
Height: 28 in -- it is definately possible he will pass me by at 5 years old.

Look what I can do now!:
1: Pulling up!

This is new as of this week! I think it may be due to a recent playdate with Miss Kherington Mae (Caleb's betrothed) who is 7 wks older and juuust a stage ahead. She is an expert at pulling up and Caleb was definately watching her and lookin' jealous!

She offered him her hand to play with...which he took and they smiled at each other, all cute and sweet...and then he tried to eat her hand (totally logical -- anything he is holding is fair game really)...

And apparently that was too forward of him!

She is wacking him on the head with my cell phone cover! He took it well.

He has crossed into that SUPER fun stage though where he wants to play with other babies-- I love how social our little boy is:)

2: Sitting to crawling

About to eat Daddy's prized possesion -- his scanner!

Really this is just that Caleb has gotten so much more comfortable with moving so that he can easily throw himself from sitting into the crawling position and take off! It is so much fun to see him learn:) He is also getting up on his hands and knees and rocking. I thought he might just pass the "true" crawling stage right by because he is so good at his army-crawl, but maybe not! He is really fast though -- my mom said we should tape a Swiffer pad to his tummy and he would clean the floors. It would work, too!

3: Chasing the dog!
Ok so this isnt really technically a "skill" but its just so cute I have to  share! Caleb is noticing his fluffy friend so much more lately -- much to Maya's concern:

We are starting to teach him"gentle" (though I'm skeptical as to whether its working) because he loves to pull poor Maya's tail and "drum" on her head. For all her hyperness she is a very longsuffering dog! We have constantly reassured her that she will LOVE Caleb one day when he can really play with her...

....and with Daddy's help, now he can!

We also took a vacation to Raccoon Lake this month, which was a blast! Caleb did so well, with only a very few meltdowns! He was a champion sleeper (at night at least), and handled the 100 degree weather...

 being fed in the backseat of the car, a boat ride...

and wacky schedule like a pro! He was clearly the center of attention:

We even visited the Mayberry Cafe in Danville, which was SO fun! Both Garrett and I grew up watching Andy Griffith so the little diner commemorating the show was near and dear to our hearts:)
They even had "Andy and Barney's" squad car parked out front!

Its a really good thing that Caleb doesn't know how much attention he gets by being the only grandchild on both sides! I knew it was bad when I dropped him off at the UCC nursery and the nursery worker (who I have never met) said "Oh, this is the Biehl grandson! I recognize him from his picture!". Great. And I am sure that when we go out to Washington in December we will get much the same responses-- when your name has been on a reader board across the country before you're 1 year old you know you're spolied special! How do you parent a national celebrity?! ;)