Ok every month I PLAN on writing more often then just the monthly post annnd every month I forget -- sorry! The Bubster is now...
...8 MONTHS OLD! I can't even believe it, it is going by so fast. Going to have to start thinking about birthday party ideas...oh wait, who am I kidding? Already been thinking of ideas:) Well, here are Caleb's 8 month Stats:
Length: 29inches!
Weight: 17lbs 2oz
New Skills:
1 -- "Cruising"
this boy just loves to be vertical! He is getting really good at moving from furniture to furniture and is so loving it. He is also able to stand alone for a good few seconds when he lets go, before he drops...he is so going to be walking soon...
He is also very in to "climbing" -- he is really all boy!
2 -- 4 teeth!
Yep, in just the last month he's sprouted 4 chompers! His two bottom middle teeth were the first:
And just about a week later I noticed his top two -- I think they're called his lateral incisors? Unfortunately they came BEFORE the top middle ones, so unless his sprouts those in the next month or so, Garrett says we will be dressing him as Daracula for Halloween...just kidding, just kidding. Actually, he comes by it naturally -- those were Garrett's first teeth!
He is still very much enjoying his solids...
...very impatient to start eating!!
3 -- More chatting
Little Caleb is very verbal...though he still doesn't know WHAT he's saying, he pretty much babbles constantly. Eventually he will figure out which one of us is "mama" and which is "dada"...right?...
This month we had some professional pictures taken by a friend in Upland, Diedra Blosser. They turned out WONDERFUL! I just can't resist posting a few of our favorites:)
Caleb wasn't a super happy camper that day, plus he's not a big fan of evenings, but Diedra got some amazing shots! I seriously ordered pictures the DAY she said they were done and, yes, they are already on the wall:) Couldn't help myself!
Such a sweet smile:)
At the end of this month Caleb is going on his first road trip! We are meeting friends from Cedarville in Pennsylvania for Labor day weekend...6 hour car ride...oh goodness I shall start praying for patience now...