6 Months!

Well, I don't  know how it happened, but THIS:
turned into THIS:

like overnight! Ok, I know thats not really true but it sure feels like it! Little Mister is 6 months old!!!
(when do you start calling it "height" -- when he's walking? Ok that will be soon...): 27.5in (95th percentile
Weight: 14lbs 13oz (10th percentile) --- soo still long and thin:)
New Skills (alot this month!):

1: Crawling...

...Like crazy! We always knew this little boy loved to move (since before he was actually born, let me tell you!) but now that he can army crawl he is just always on the move! Gone are the days of putting him on a blanket and expecting him to be there the next time you turn around. He is a very determined little boy too -- when he sets off on an adventure (say, to eat the TV remote, or to drool on the computer) he scoots FAST until he reaches his goal...never takes his eyes off the prize either - this kid is FOCUSED! Except if he suddenly realizes he wants some company:

"Want to come, Mom? Off to eat the remote now, should be fun!"

2: Babbling:

Yes, yes, he said "DaDa" first, but we are fairly certain he is just babbling  and doesn't actually know that Garrett is called "DaDa". However, I did buy Garrett a recordable picture frame for Father's day and recorded Caleb saying it for his desk at work:) And also -- he may not know how to SAY my name but how adorable is THIS:

Oh so sweet:)

3: Sitting!

Gettin good at sitting by himself, although he does fall over fairly often. He tries to fool you into thinking he's totally got it -- all steady and balanced...and then lunge forward onto his face. Many tears. Much comforting needed. The problem is that he doesn't WANT to sit -- I mean, why would he when he can move?! I had many friends tell me there is this lovely golden time around 6-7 months when my baby can sit by himself and will sit contentedly for a period of time just sweetly playing with the toys around him. Not so. In fact, Caleb is not super interested in the pretty, bright, fun toys that were bought for him. Actually his favorite toys are currently:
Aunt Megan's old, non-working cell phone, And the top of a spatula from Grandma's house that he just loves on his gums:

Seriously, I think I should market this thing -- he loves it because it is easy to hold and chew at the same time. Although, I would add some kind of wristlet or something because it is also very easy to drop.

4: Solids-- yay!
Actually, we started rice ceareal a few weeks ago:

He has come to love it:
And we started sweet potatoes at 6 months -- wasn't so sure at first:

But now he is in love with the orangey goodness! And I am in love with my 'Magic Baby Bullet'!

This thing was a gift from my wonderful mother in law and makes it OH so easy to make Caleb's baby food:) I plan on making all his food if I can -- even try making the rice cereal (maybe). I am not really a believer in "organic" food or any of that, but I AM a believer in saving about $50 a month which is what baby food jars are estimated to cost. Seriously?! Somone is laughing about that for sure.

Well, we were hoping that starting solids would help our little Bubster sleep better, especially during the day...hasn't happened yet but hopefully...he still wakes once in the night to eat, and he stil naps in these little 30-40 min spurts. Despite that, Caleb is pretty much happy all the time:

See? What a sweet smile! He just can't really stand to miss out on the action -- can you blame him?
Here's hoping the next 6 months don't go quite so fast...but I hear that it just gets faster...

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