Well the big news this month is Caleb is WALKING!
Actually, I almost forgot to put it in this month because it happened right after he turned 9 months! He took his first steps on October 1:
and by the next week he was taking 6-7 steps on his own...
and now he's pretty much running! He rarely crawls anywhere anymore, and can get from a sitting to standing position without pulling up on something -- its crazy what a difference a month can make! Of course, walking brings up a whole new bunch of things we havent had to deal with before: like shoes. I only really thought of shoes to say "oh look how cute the tiny shoes are" ...and then Garrett would reply "Um definately don't need them...no matter how cute or tiny" -- he is dead inside. But anyway, now we DO need shoes (haha Garrett;), especially because its getting cold, and Caleb can't even walk around inside with no socks...and walking on tile with socks = slipping and falling even more than usual. But even though baby shoes are probably the most adorable thing ever invented, they are expensive, especially because of how quickly short stuff grows! Enter one of my most favorite places: consignment stores! I just went to one of our local ones "Once Upon a Child" a couple weeks ago, and scored some adorablenesses for $2.50 each!
I also found Caleb a winter coat and a "church coat" for $8 -- coats are another annoying thing to spend money on...but also very cute in miniature form:)
Caleb has also recently discovered that he is, in fact, a total ham. I knew this day was coming...being the only granchild/nephew, he has quite the adoring fan base, and I knew that as soon as he realized just how cute and funny everyone thinks he is, his tiny ego would explode out of his little bald head. Case in point: the Bubs has learned how to give hugs (we call them "loves") -- which is definately the cutest thing I have ever experienced in my life. "Loves" come with a sweet blonde head on your shoulder, a big smile, and an "ahh". The thing is, he has figured out how adorable we think this is, so, if he thinks he is not getting enough attention, he will start giving loves to anyone and anyTHING at random...the dog, the couch, the ottoman...and then looking up at us for a "awww yayyy Caleb -- so sweet!". So, to those of you in the fan club WARNING: Caleb now knows he is the cutest baby on earth...
We thought about "doing" Halloween this year, complete with an adorable costume, but I worked the 30th, and it was freeeezing, and we didnt really get around to the costume thing...however, we were at my parents the weekend before, and we watched "The Incredibles". Seriously, Caleb reminded us SO much of "Jack-Jack". Look:
Sooo we just went with that "costume". And before you get nervous, NO we did not actually take him trick or treating in that! It was just for the purpose of Caleb's "first halloween":)
Well we are closing in on a year with our sweet boy-- simply can't believe it! He is such an amazing blessing. I am continually in awe of the little idividual he is, complete with his own (quite) unique personality!
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