So over this last month (plus a couple weeks…I know….we were
without a computer for a few weeks) a couple of things stand out:
First, this whole “mom of two” thing, has gotten slightly
easier in some ways – Busy Boy and Sweet Girl can actually play together much
better! The other day after getting them both cleaned up from breakfast I went
to go heat up my coffee…by the way, two years ago I swore reheated coffee was
NOT coffee-oh how my relationship with coffee has changed…but I digress.
Anyway, I turned around and realized it was quiet. Too quiet. Oh now I hear him, and he’s using that special “baby voice”
he uses when talking to Sister…I rush over to the toy closet fort,
and see Caleb playing blocks with his sister – sweetly handing her blocks and
explaining about their shapes:
See Emma,
dis a square, and dis a circle, and we can make houses…and Emma is
listening intently while gnawing on the blocks.
Ok, no one is hurt, Caleb is sharing, they are playing together…I’m not needed at this moment. What. Now.
Not sure what to do…Oh hey! Hot coffee!
These moments are short, and definitely not all the time –
there are still many tantrums over Emma’s
going to knock over my TOYS! Mommy get Emma! Or sometimes more calmly in a
baby voice Emma, don’t you want to go see
Mommy? Mommy, Emma wants you!! **while shoving Emma into the crawl
position** BUT the fact that they CAN play this way is seriously a
game-changer. Plus, its adorable – especially when Caleb has cooked up a whole
storyline that they are supposed to be following. He cannot get why Emma just gives him a goofy smile when he explains
what her role is supposed to be.
Secondly, as Emma’s little personality has come out more and
more, we are learning that sweet, quiet, Emma-girl is a total GOOF. She’s our “girl
of many faces”:
She’s VERY expressive, and a great listener – if you talk
with her, she sits and listens, offering the appropriate smiles or exclamations
at all the right places. Adorable.
Her new favorite activity is to be chased –
probably learned behavior from a certain older brother…She starts crab-crawling
and then turns around giggling like hey
follow me! Then stops when she decides she wants to be caught. Hilarious.
No weight check or length this month, but she did reach a
major milestone this month – walking!
She took her first steps on the same day as Caleb – 9 months
and 10 days – and she walked TO her big brother.
Precious, these twoJ But by 10 months Caleb
was RUNNING, whereas Emma still prefers crawling, because its much faster.
walking further and further distances each day though!
The other major milestone this month: enough hair for an
itty bitty ponytail! J
The other big news around here is that we have a fully potty
trained little boy! Yay Caleb!
I take absolutely NO credit for his training – the kid
trained himself. On day 1 he was asking to use the potty himself, and by day 2
I stopped asking if he needed to go. Of the few accidents he’s had, I take responsibility
for virtually all of them. After the first week, he’s been dry after nap and
waking dry in the morning (even waking in the night to ask to go if he needs
to). I can’t believe its been this easy, but hey, I’ll take it! J Right now he still refuses
to use the big toilet, so Froggy Potty hitches a ride in the back of the car if
we leave the house, but he can “hold it” for pretty long periods (like all
through church – refuses to use the nursery potty too!) so we haven’t had a “leave
the full cart and dash out to the car because I have to go now” situation. Yet.
Also this month:
First trip to the pool! I may be wrong, but there isn’t much
that’s cuter than this squeezie in a swimsuit…
Cant leave this picture out – Caleb brought me this “letter
“on this particular morning saying “this for you day Mommy – happy Mommy day! I
drew it for you, yes, because I wuv you SO much! Now I go to draw Daddy day
letter for Daddy take to work. Yes.” I just love this little boy’s sweet heart –
Chick-fil-a had a “Heros Night” where Caleb got to climb into
a fire truck and an ambulance! Little boy mind= blown.
Emmalyn was dedicated to the Lord on Father’s Day at church –
it was a wonderful (and sobering) reminder of our responsibility before the
Lord as parents of BOTH of our precious littles.
Finally – I love this picture: just a girl and her purseJ
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