As I am writing exactly this time last year (7:13pm) we heard the first cry of our
sweet new baby boy, Caleb James Lowe. He came into the world
screaming, which, because he was meconium positive, made us both cry
in relief right away.

 I remember thinking that the whole thing wasn't real until that
moment and I could not believe he was really HERE!

Garrett couldn't stand waiting til they brought him over, so he went
to meet Caleb himself -- and when he came back to me he just kept
saying "He's so CUTE!" I know he's biased, but all the nurses kept
saying it too, and since he "baptized" them all thouroughly as soon as
he came out, I know they weren't biased!

From the moment he was born, our precious boy was sooo loved...he was
even famous all the way in Washington -- his name was on the reader board at Groccery Outlet the night he was born!

Everyone told us that we wouldn't know just how much we could love a
child until he was born and wow were they right. I remember him waking
us up in the middle of the night, and Garrett going to go get him from
the bassinet (because of my C-section). He would just stand there a
second and look at Caleb, even in his super-tired state, and say "he's
just so CUTE!"

As much as I'm going to love this Christmas and the Christmases after,
as Caleb gets older and can appreciate everything more, that first
Christmas was so special. It was just the three of us and we were
soooo tired but sooo happy -- I'll never forget it.

Well, I totally wouldn't have believed it, but 12 months later Caleb
is that much cuter, and we love him that much more! The more of his
adorable, precotious, hilarious, sweet, curious personality comes out,
the more we love him!

Garrett calls him a pinball, because he just bounces off
everything...the couch, the floor, the dog...and just keeps running!
Exhausing, but so so much fun! He laughs constantly, cries almost
never, eats constantly, sleeps almost never (during the day). He wakes
up smiling and giving hugs, spends the say bouncing around the house
smiling, laughing, eating, playing peek a boo and "all fall down",
eating, chasing the dog, climbing, talking in his own personal
language, eating, and painting himself with his food. After an
exhausting (or at least you would think so) day, he falls asleep
smiling with his thumb in his mouth. Seriously, could we ask for a
more precious, sweet boy?!?

To clarify, we are certain he has a sin nature, because he does
occasionally throw the tiny temper tantrum, or keep on and ON trying
to climb in the fireplace or on the Christmas tree even after multiple
"no-nos" and hand spanks. But, always at the end of these episodes, he
cries and gives hugs....and it is a little hard not to laugh.

Well, I can't believe its been a year -- its gone SO fast, and yet I
don't really remember life before the Bubster. Seriously, it must have
been REALLY boring. We are having a small birthday party on Saturday,
so more pictures to come, but for now, heres a sweet face:

Never understood this passage completely until Caleb:
"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are
Your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from
you when I was being made in secret, intricately woven together in the
depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book
were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them." -- Ps. 139

11 Months!!

Well...sorry this post is so late -- I think I'm in denial that Caleb is 11 months!

OK seriously what happened to the last year?! Caleb is 11 months, and as much as I hate to admit it, he is now a TODDLER. Scary word, that is. Garrett has been saying it for a few months (since he started walking) but I've been insisting that he must be walking AND be 1 yr old to be considered a toddler.

However, he was officially mobved to the OTHER side of the nursery at church last week-- the toddler side. He's actually been over there for awhile now -- the nursery workers say he cries on the other side, probably because it only has the lame, not-walking-yet toys, and the little babies who are SO not as fun. Sooo I think I need to admit that he is a toddler. He toddles. However, he does not walk any more -- he runs. He runs full-tilt through the house all day, looking for the most fun (usually meaning most off-limits) things to pull out, or down, or just bang on:

He always runs with his arms out, so he looks a little like "Franken-baby"...just kidding.

Caleb gets more and more fun every new stage! He is starting to say a few "for sure" words now. (We are pretty sure he was talking before, but didnt want to be THOSE parents). He says "Dada" and "Mama" (never on command of course), and "Do-Dee" for Doggie, and he can Moo like a cow when he sees one in his books, or growl like a tiger (umm guess who taught him that...). His very first word was "No-no" though...and it was quite hilarious. Caleb's most favorite off-limits place is the fireplace, and every time he tries to open the doors he gets a "No-no" and a spank on the hand. Usually it just takes once, but he likes to test his limits around bedtime. A couple weeks ago, he had gotten spank after spank and just kept going for the fireplace. About the 4th time, before Garrett could walk over, he looked right at him and said "No NO" and spanked his own hand! I wanted to be excited that we were sure he said his first word...but seriously?! Did that have to be the first?! Oh well, I guess that means he understands what No means!

(Getting un-stuck from inside the corner cupboard)

Caleb is also getting alot more intentionally playful, which is super fun. If we make a pile of pillows he likes to "fall" on them -- totally thinks he is hilarious. Then, if he's not getting enough attention with his stunts, he tries to stand on his head:

Yea, he did this a couple weeks ago out of the blue, and I could not stop laughing -- I mean, where did he learn that?! I couldn't get a great picture, but he looks at me from upside down and just laughs and laughs! He is just a nut -- he spends the day tearing around the house with one toy or another just talking and laughing to himself. Meals are even more fun:

He also learned to "throw" (more like drop) a ball the other day, and both he and Maya are very proud of that accomplishment.

Caleb also had his first Thanksgiving, and though he didn't do great with the Illinois time-change, he was definately the cutest member at the table:)

Oh, and he voted this month:

Well, we sure are enjoying our little boy. He is such an incredible little person -- what a blessing and privilage it is to be entrusted with him and get to watch him grow up!

10 Months!

Well the big news this month is Caleb is WALKING!

Actually, I almost forgot to put it in this month because it happened right after he turned 9 months! He took his first steps on October 1:

and by the next week he was taking 6-7 steps on his own...

and now he's pretty much running! He rarely crawls anywhere anymore, and can get from a sitting to standing position without pulling up on something -- its crazy what a difference a month can make! Of course, walking brings up a whole new bunch of things we havent had to deal with before: like shoes. I only really thought of shoes to say "oh look how cute the tiny shoes are" ...and then Garrett would reply "Um definately don't need matter how cute or tiny" -- he is dead inside. But anyway, now we DO need shoes (haha Garrett;), especially because its getting cold, and Caleb can't even walk around inside with no socks...and walking on tile with socks = slipping and falling even more than usual. But even though baby shoes are probably the most adorable thing ever invented, they are expensive, especially because of how quickly short stuff grows! Enter one of my most favorite places: consignment stores! I just went to one of our local ones "Once Upon a Child" a couple weeks ago, and scored some adorablenesses for $2.50 each!

I also found Caleb a winter coat and a "church coat" for $8 -- coats are another annoying thing to spend money on...but also very cute in miniature form:)

Caleb has also recently discovered that he is, in fact, a total ham. I knew this day was coming...being the only granchild/nephew, he has quite the adoring fan base, and I knew that as soon as he realized just how cute and funny everyone thinks he is, his tiny ego would explode out of his little bald head. Case in point: the Bubs has learned how to give hugs (we call them "loves") -- which is definately the cutest thing I have ever experienced in my life. "Loves" come with a sweet blonde head on your shoulder, a big smile, and an "ahh". The thing is, he has figured out how adorable we think this is, so, if he thinks he is not getting enough attention, he will start giving loves to anyone and anyTHING at random...the dog, the couch, the ottoman...and then looking up at us for a "awww yayyy Caleb -- so sweet!". So, to those of you in the fan club WARNING: Caleb now knows he is the cutest baby on earth...

We thought about "doing" Halloween this year, complete with an adorable costume, but I worked the 30th, and it was freeeezing, and we didnt really get around to the costume thing...however, we were at my parents the weekend before, and we watched "The Incredibles". Seriously, Caleb reminded us SO much of "Jack-Jack". Look:

 Sooo we just went with that "costume". And before you get nervous, NO we did not actually take him trick or treating in that! It was just for the purpose of Caleb's "first halloween":)

Well we are closing in on a year with our sweet boy-- simply can't believe it! He is such an amazing blessing. I am continually in awe of the little idividual he is, complete with his own (quite) unique personality!

Before and After

I used to spend alot of time perusing decorating blogs, and one of the really common posts is a before/after post. The popular blogs "host" a before and after day usually about once a month, and other bloggers "link up" their before and after posts, such as a dresser makeover, or even a whole kitchen remodel. I happened on one such post a few weeks ago, and had a quick moment of feeling disappointed, because seriously the last time I did one of those projects was SO long ago. My before/after post would be quite different...
Life before Caleb, though it was only 9-ish months ago, is such a blur in some ways! I wonder often how I filled my time, and why I always felt so busy! Granted, I was working full instead of part time but still! I get about the same amount done in a day now, and yet most of my time is filled with chasing after/entertaining a very small, very fast, very cute little person. However,  I was glancing at some Christmas pictures from last year the other day, and noticed that there are definately some differences in some areas of our lifestyle. This was our living room a few weeks before the Bubs was born:

And the kitchen area:

And you know, it pretty much stayed that way. I have *ahem* a slight twinge of OCD, and so (though he's not as quick to admit it;) does Garrett. So it was never difficult for us to keep things pretty much picked up all the time. The day after my third nightshift every week, I would deep clean the house. All in one day. Every week. Seriously, I liked it that way--we both did! I used to groccery shop once every 2 weeks, get all that we needed, and if I thought of a random errand while I was out, I could meander over and finish that up. I could "plan" my meals pretty much when I wanted and eat in peace. And now, the living room "After":

and the kitchen area:

This was taken just now, just after a serious playtime, breakfast, and more playtime. And you know, it pretty much stays that way until bedtime. Its pointless to put away all his toys during nap, because his first order of buisness is to dump over his basket and start again when he wakes! So, this is how my OCD must live. Before Garrett gets home, I pick up somewhat, and then we pick up after Caleb goes to sleep...but then we start again the next day. There is NO WAY I can clean the whole house in one day anymore, so I do a little each day. Which, to some people means that a part of the house is clean every day...but to my OCD it means that the OTHER parts of the house are NOT clean most days. Now I carefully plan when I can rush out to the store between naps/feedings, leaving a messy house, coming back to a messy house, and more days than not, forgetting to eat either breakfast or lunch...alot of people told me that my life will forever be split into "before kids" and "after kids" and oh how right they were...

Oh but wait, I forgot one part of the "After" picture:

...and seriously that sweet face makes ALL the difference! Every mess, every sticky finger print on our nice tan couches, every task left undone because I had to stop and discipline, or just stop to play, is so, so totally worth it. And so, even though I wouldn't have a before/after project to contribute to a popular blogger's monthly party, because I haven't had time to do a real decorating project since December...I choose the "After", every time.

9 Months Old!

Wow! 9 Months!

Length: Still 29in...nearing more the 60-70th percentile
Weight: 17lbs 14oz...still on the 10th percentile curve that he hit around 5 months. According to his pediatrician, its common for babies to dip on the curve at about 9 months and stay low til about a year, because of increased activity. Our little mover, however, dropped down at 5 months because thats when he started crawling!

New Skills:
* Standing!

Caleb can stand with no help for at least 10-15 seconds! I think it really would be longer, but really he's only ever STILL for that long! Then he wants to go get something or see something, so he drops down to crawl. He is rediculously fast at crawling now, so I think his first step will be a totally inadvertant thing -- he won't take a step towards something or someone because he wants to GET there...if he did he would just crawl (if that makes sense!).

* New Sounds:

Baba, motor boat sound (which he uses when he pushes toys around like a car, but we're not sure if he means to make that sound for that reason), Nana (this either means "no" or "food/banana" because he uses it when he doesnt want to sleep or when he wants food NOW), Mama, Dada (still not specifying Garrett or I, though he says "Mama" most often when he's sad....not sure if thats sweet or sad).

* New Name: Houdini
(yes he got in there himself...)

Two examples:
1. One night when I was working Garrett found Caleb on the other side of the "child proof" gate...seriously. When he found him, Caleb just grinned up at him and then went into turbo mode, trying to scramble up the stairs before Garrett could grab him -- totally knew he wasn't supposed to be there! I was inclined to think it was left open by mistake until a few days later (see example 2;). We think that he was holding onto the bars and bouncing and just "bounced" the gate up and open-- crazy.

2. Just a few days later Caleb was in his bouncer just outside the bathroom while I was taking a shower (up til now this has been HOW I've been able to shower, since during his 40 min naps I have a meeellion other things I want to get done). I heard him make a frustrated noise and drop his toy. Then, about 30 seconds later I heard the pitter pat of little hands on the tile and a sweet, smiley, mischevious face peeked around the door...I almost screamed out loud! I still cannot figure out how he got out! The bouncer was upright still. I put him back in to see if he would do it again, but nope. I am thanking God that he did not break his little neck!!

Caleb is just starting to imitate --which is SO fun! Garrett taught him to clap one day, and now he does it all the time! He looooves "patty-cake"

* 2 more teeth!
Yay! He won't have to be Daracula for Halloween! (just kidding) Caleb's top middle teeth finally came in:)

Well, we are 2/3 of the way to a YEAR old...seriously I can't believe it. In some ways I am very ready for Caleb to hit the 1 year mark. Mainly, I am ready to be done with the nursing thing.  I am ready to be able to sleep in (really, just once!) for the first time since before he was born, I am ready to be able to go overnight somewhere with Garrett, or even out to dinner without having to think about pumping and all that fun stuff (not to mention pumping at work - no fun!) Totally don't regret doing it and, Lord willing, I will nurse all of our kids. However, there were (and still are) times that I have to go over and over the medical and financial benefits of nursing in my head, just to convince myself I did the right thing:)

BUT, Caleb is growing and changing at warp speed, and sometimes I really wish I had a "slow down" button! Part of me can't wait to hear him put words together, but the other part knows I will miss his sweet babbling. Part of me can't wait to see him take his first steps, but the other part wants to hold on to the cute, crawling, scrambling baby! I think right now I will go hug the sweet face that just woke up and, for now, enjoy the moment:)

Look Who's 8 Months!

Ok every month I PLAN on writing more often then just the monthly post annnd every month I forget -- sorry! The Bubster is now...

...8 MONTHS OLD! I can't even believe it, it is going by so fast. Going to have to start thinking about birthday party ideas...oh wait, who am I kidding? Already been thinking of ideas:) Well, here are Caleb's 8 month Stats:
Length: 29inches!
Weight: 17lbs 2oz

New Skills:
1 -- "Cruising"

this boy just loves to be vertical! He is getting really good at moving from furniture to furniture and is so loving it. He is also able to stand alone for a good few seconds when he lets go, before he drops...he is so going to be walking soon...   

He is also very in to "climbing" -- he is really all boy!

2 -- 4 teeth!
Yep, in just the last month he's sprouted 4 chompers! His two bottom middle teeth were the first:

And just about a week later I noticed his top two -- I think they're called his lateral incisors? Unfortunately they came BEFORE the top middle ones, so unless his sprouts those in the next month or so, Garrett says we will be dressing him as Daracula for Halloween...just kidding, just kidding. Actually, he comes by it naturally -- those were Garrett's first teeth!

He is still very much enjoying his solids...

...very impatient to start eating!!

3 -- More chatting

Little Caleb is very verbal...though he still doesn't know WHAT he's saying, he pretty much babbles constantly. Eventually he will figure out which one of us is "mama" and which is "dada"...right?...

This month we had some professional pictures taken by a friend in Upland, Diedra Blosser. They turned out WONDERFUL! I just can't resist posting a few of our favorites:)

Caleb wasn't a super happy camper that day, plus he's not a big fan of evenings, but Diedra got some amazing shots! I seriously ordered pictures the DAY she said they were done and, yes, they are already on the wall:) Couldn't help myself!

Such a sweet smile:)
At the end of this month Caleb is going on his first road trip! We are meeting friends from Cedarville in Pennsylvania for Labor day weekend...6 hour car ride...oh goodness I shall start praying for patience now...