7 Months

7 Months! Past the halfway mark, so its now ok to start thinking about the 1 year birthday party right?...Ok I’ve been thinking about it for awhile now…

No Dr visit this month, so I don’t know exactly what she weighs, but I do know she’s still a little peanut. Emma is still in 6 month clothes, and really can squeeze into some 3-6 month size! She is almost exactly what her big brother weighed at 6 months though, and he chunked up over the next few months, so I’m trying not to worry J

Emma was up to 3-4 cubes of solid food every meal a few weeks ago, and then the last couple weeks has been hating her solids – I’m really hoping its just a phase related to that stubborn bottom tooth that we can FINALLY see juuuust poking out!

Miss Emmalyn is working hard to keep up with her big brother! She's up on her hands and knees and rocking, and will be full-out crawling any day now...and her favorite position is standing -- if you are anywhere near her on the floor she scoots over and pulls herself up, smiling and giggling...maybe we will have another early walker! 

Emma and Caleb are still the best of friends -- here they are having a "coffee party" with Henna, Ellie, and me

 I'm so looking forward to when they can play organized games together...and when Caleb is less of a danger to her!


Here's a picture of both our sweet blue eyed kiddos at 7 months:

Yep, definitely siblings! BUT, overall Caleb is a mini-Garrett, and Emma is a mini-me:

Thats me on the left and Emma on the right! My mom and I took the kiddos to Urbana to see my grandparents this month, and my grandma had dug out some old pictures of me to show the similarities. We had a blast that day playing with alot of toys that I grew up playing with, and just spending time with all four of my wonderful grandparents:

Four Generations: my beautiful Grandma Grace, my mom, me, and Emma!

I was so thankful that we went on that visit, because less than a week later, my grandfather passed away. Here is he and Caleb a few months ago:

And this is the first time he met Emma:

While I will definitely miss my Grandpa Jim, I am so thankful that both my littles got to meet him! When my mom called to tell me the news, my most overwhelming feeling was peace. How different death is when eternity is certain! My grandpa was ready to meet his Savior, and I am so thankful to know that he is in the presence of Christ and that I will get to see him again someday! His pastor said at the funeral that he felt that the Lord and kept him from Glory this long to pray for his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren -- so he did. On the nights he didn't sleep much, he prayed, and during the day when he spent time in his massage chair, he prayed. I am so thankful for that conviction he had. He "finished well", and is now in heaven for "10,000 years and then forevermore"!

One more:

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